A collaboration protocol was signed between Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO) Karatay University and Anadolu Sigorta to contribute to education, internships, and employment opportunities for KTO Karatay students in the insurance sector. Support for Gaining Real-World Experience Will Be Provided The collaboration between KTO Karatay University and Anadolu Sigorta aims to enhance education, internship, and employment opportunities. The protocol was signed by KTO Karatay University Rector Prof. Dr. Fevzi Rifat Ortaç and Anadolu Sigorta General Manager Z. Mehmet Tuğtan. The signing ceremony was attended by KTO Karatay University Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Dean Prof. Dr. Abdullah Topcuoğlu, faculty members from the Department of Insurance and Social Security, and representatives from Anadolu Sigorta. With the signed protocol, KTO Karatay University students will be provided with education, internship, and employment opportunities in the insurance sector. Anadolu Sigorta will support students in receiving both theoretical and practical training related to the insurance sector, gaining real-world experience, and providing career development guidance. “Our Collaboration with Anadolu Sigorta Will Make Significant Contributions to Our Students Gaining Experience in the Insurance Sector” KTO Karatay University Rector Prof. Dr. Fevzi Rifat Ortaç emphasized that the collaboration protocol would contribute to students' career development, saying, “As KTO Karatay University, we value our students receiving industry-integrated education. The collaboration protocol we signed with Anadolu Sigorta will make significant contributions to our students gaining knowledge and experience in the insurance sector. Thanks to this protocol, our students will have the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice by directly interacting with Anadolu Sigorta, one of the leading companies in the sector. This opportunity, which will also support their career development, will increase employment opportunities after graduation. I wish our collaboration to be beneficial for both institutions and would like to thank everyone involved.” Students Were Informed About Success Paths and Career Opportunities in the Sector After the signing ceremony, Anadolu Sigorta Human Resources Manager Emre Aydoğdu, Director Seda Evrensel, Assistant Director Serap Bozkurt, and Expert Zihni Haskumru met with KTO Karatay University Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Department of Insurance and Social Security students. They gave the first lecture of the spring term, which will be conducted in cooperation with Anadolu Sigorta. The students gained valuable insights into current developments in the insurance sector, career opportunities, paths to success in the industry, recruitment criteria, and interview processes. The spring term's first lecture program concluded with a Q&A session.