İşleminiz Devam Ediyor.
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# Program Learning Outcomes
1 A Ability to use and apply knowledge of art and design in the field of calligraphy and illumination.
2 B Ability to design, evaluate and manage design problems.
3 C Ability to realize designs at different scales covered by design discipline.
4 D To be able to collaborate and learn interdisciplinary skills.
5 E Ability to think and express in two dimensions.
6 F Ability to produce original designs.
7 G Ability to communicate effectively, express themselves and present work.
8 H Continuous knowledge of art and design analysis, monitoring of social and technological developments and the ability to propose a modern approach to new research topics in the field.
9 I Tasarım alanında geçmiş ve bugün ile gelecek ilişkisi kurabilme, yorumlayabilme becerisi.
10 J An ability to use technical and technological knowledge in the field of design.
11 K Innovative Design, International Competition, R & D Capability.
12 A1 Ability to adapt basic art and design knowledge to what they have learned.
13 A2 Ability to comprehend the basic knowledge of art and design both theoretical and practical.
14 Ability to have extensive knowledge and culture about the importance of the concept of bec writing ve in matter and matter
15 A4 Ability to prepare pencils according to their types and sizes.
16 A5 The ability to become familiar with the types, characteristics and fields of Islamic writings.
17 A6 Ability to apply an important article in different sizes of spaces with the process of enlarging and removing molds.
18 A7 The skill of understanding the concepts of calligraphy.
19 A8 The ability to recognize and solve letters in Ottoman Turkish
20 A9 The ability to read Arabic and Persian Words
21 A10 The ability to classify the inscriptions
22 A11 Ability to apply all technical analysis of miniature art
23 A12 Ability to transfer the general knowledge learned about Turkish illumination art.
24 A13 Turkish art of illumination in the historical development of the place, the ability to transfer information learned about the development.
25 B1 Ability to classify new materials
26 B2 Ability to find and synthesize the problems and solutions that arise as a result of analysis and evaluations.
27 B3 Ability to transfer the methods of education in calligraphy.
28 B4 The ability to recognize types of pencils and sharpeners.
29 B5 The ability to adapt and transfer the basic art and design knowledge gains to what they have learned.
30 B6 Ability to prepare pencils according to their types and sizes.
31 B7 The ability to determine the period in which it was written by analyzing the text in the religious architecture and the manuscripts of ancient times.
32 To be able to recognize B8 Schools and to be able to solve the differences in font style
33 B9 Ability to analyze corporate information
34 B10 Ability to grasp reading marks
35 B11 The ability to understand and express Arabic numerals and histories
36 B12 Ability to have extensive knowledge about the history of the art of Illumination
37 C1 Ability to work interdisciplinary in the field of art and design.
38 C2 Ability to relate / associate with other fields that require basic art and design skills.
39 C3 Visual skills associated with other areas related to Basic Art and Design skills. (Ability to see on a macro scale.)
40 C4 Ability to think in a context.
41 C5 The ability to transfer what they think verbally and visually.
42 C6 Ability to apply the tugra and its developmental stage with its classical form
43 C7 The ability to evaluate the situation of the literature in the period from the 18th century to the 20th century in terms of the relationship between text, stock, writing-space and uslûb
44 C8 The ability to make comments about the art and aspect of the art of calligraphy.
45 C9 Ability to analyze patterns in Arabic and Persian
46 C10 The ability to read Ottoman Turkish inscriptions
47 D1 An ability to produce original works with basic art and design skills.
48 D2 Ability to work with design areas working in different scales
49 D3 The ability to make and interpret the relationship between the past and present in the field of design.
50 D4 Critical thinking skills.
51 D5 Ability to work interdisciplinary in the field of art and design.
52 D6 Ability to make a process for painting to be able to write to the desired consistency.
53 D7 An ability to comment on the importance of writing examples from the 18th to the 20th century for today's calligraphers
54 D8 Ability to distinguish handwritten with Matbuu letters
55 D9 Osmanlı edebi eserlerini okuma ve anlama becerisi
56 D10 Ability to distinguish the types of writing in the inscriptions
57 E1 Two and three dimensional thinking ability.
58 E2 Ability to see / interpret and interpret two / three dimensional objects.
59 E3 The ability to transfer the form to the second dimension and the two-dimensional shape to the third dimension (form)
60 E4 An ability to articulate a thought, a concept or a phenomenon visually.
61 E5 Ability to establish the relationship between different assembly.
62 E6 The ability to express the lateral surfaces of three-dimensional objects (side, front, bottom, top, etc.) with two-dimensional lines.
63 E7 Recognize and use the materials to be used
64 E8 The ability to make comments by establishing the relationship between writing and pen
65 E9 To understand the development process of Ottoman language
66 F1 Ability to create original designs by converting traditional data into design elements.
67 F2 An ability to apply aesthetic and technical elements to design
68 F3 Stacking and design skills
69 F4 The ability to read and write the rık’a text which is considered as the first and basic article
70 F5 Celi writing and features by learning the type of writing, the ability to make designs according to space and meaning.
71 F6 Reading and evaluating written works in Ottoman Turkish
72 F7 The ability to evaluate the features of the epoch
73 F8 Ability to design new motifs
74 F9 Ability to create composition by stylizing the figures, places and objects that she sees in nature
75 F10 Turkish Ebrus's ability to apply varieties
76 G1 Ability to communicate and use Turkish effectively.
77 G2 The ability to communicate and express himself / herself through visual communication.
78 G3 The ability to transfer verbally and visually.
79 G4 The ability to analyze, interpret and use tradition in new designs.
80 G5 The ability to comment on the manuscripts and sciences in the period in which it was written by examining the manuscripts written in those periods.
81 G6 Ability to use equipment and materials to be used in miniature art with competence.
82 G7 The ability to produce the tools and materials used in Turkish Ebru
83 H1 An ability to review and reinterpret cultural heritage, which is the expression of society's culture, art and technology.
84 H2 Ability to express a thought, a concept or a phenomenon in a creative and artistic way by interpreting the society in an art and culture environment.
85 H3 An ability to examine the past culture products of the society with the help of developing and changing technology and to interpret it in today's understanding.
86 H4 Kültür varlıklarının incelenmesi ( Görsel ve çizgisel) ve yorumlama becerisi.
87 H5 Kültür varlıkları ve teknikleri ile ilgili ölçmeler, onarım önerileri sunabilme becerisi.
88 H6 Ability of historical and contemporary art works on strawberry
89 H7 Ability to interpret the importance of art in our civilization
90 H8 The ability to understand the language used in legal documents
91 To have an idea about the general history of H9 Turkish Ebrus
92 Ability to relate / associate basic art and design skills with other fields.
93 I2 Ability of adapting past effects / traces to present-day designs with today's possibilities and possibilities.
94 I3 The ability to see / interpret and interpret the differences between past and present. (Awareness)
95 I4 Critical thinking skills.
96 I5 The ability to bring the prominent works of the calligraphers from the 18th century to the 20th century with the application of imitation and imitation.
97 I6 Ability to proofread the text and to have the ability to repair an old, destroyed article.
98 I7 An ability to comment on the impact of social and economic power of the state on art.
99 I8 Understand and evaluate the etymology of Ottoman and Turkish.
100 J1 Ability to follow developing and changing technology and choose the right one.
101 J2 Two- and three-dimensional thinking in computerized design.
102 J3 Ability to establish and use the relationship between past and present and future technologies in the field of design techniques and technologies.
103 J4 Ability to recognize types of writing
104 J5 The ability to recognize the calligraphers and important students' writings from the 18th century to the 20th century.
105 J6 Ability to make Motif analysis
106 J7 An ability to apply the techniques he learned in his original design
107 J8 Ability to design deliberately and animal motifs.
108 K1 At least one European union must gain a good oral and written expression in a foreign language.
109 K2 To be able to know a second foreign language at least social communication level.
110 K3 Should be able to make patent and literature research on the Internet.
111 K4 Be able to prepare and present reports, articles and technical documents
112 K5 To be able to propose innovative solutions according to the current state of the basic sciences and technology
113 K6 Be aware of international cooperation, change and support mechanisms.