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Course Information
Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS
5 00350501 Architectural Design V 4+4+0 8 8
Course Details
Language : Turkish
Level : Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program : Architecture
Mode of Delivery : Face to Face
Type : Compulsory
Objectives : The course aims to enable students to reach the following levels of knowledge and awareness.
1. To be able to read and perceive the urban and architectural data of the existing environment and to develop a context (scenario-concept) among them.
2.To solve a multi-functional, multi-level design problem.
3. To be able to use advanced technology in building design
Sample project topics: City museum / Cultural center / youth center /
Content : Scope: Approx. 1500-2500 m2, Hand drawing and Computer design.
Methods & Techniques :
Prerequisites and co-requisities : ( 00340401 )
Course Coordinator : None
Name of Lecturers : Asist Prof.Dr. HALİL SEVİM
Assistants : None
Work Placement(s) : No
Recommended or Required Reading
Resources : Z. Ahunbay , 1996,Tarihi Çevre Koruma ve Restorasyonlar, Yapı Endüstri Merkezi Yayınları
Semester : İlhan Tekeli, 2011,Kent Kentli Hakları Kentleşme Ve Kentsel Dönüşüm, Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları
Course Category
Field 100%
In-Term Study Informations
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 2 40%
Final examination 1 60%
Total 3 100%
Activity Informations
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 14 8 112
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 8 112
Mid-terms 1 10 10
Final examination 1 10 10
Total Work Load ECTS: 8 244
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes
1 To question the relationship of the designed structures with the built environment, urban conditions and historical texture,
2 Understanding the historical and urban context, defining the urban and historical texture and its components,
3 New building design in the old texture, intervention in the old texture and new usage suggestions of the old one,
4 To raise awareness, knowledge and sensitivity about designing in historical texture.
5 Establishing the relationship between the different parts to be given in the program.
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 Introduction to the course. Announcement of the studio program and the projects.
2 Presentation (Context)
3 Site Analysis Studies
4 Site Analysis Studies
5 Preliminary Jury
6 Programming
7 Studies on the Architectural Concept
8 Individual Criticisms
9 Individual Criticisms
10 Preliminary Jury
11 Individual Criticisms
12 Individual Criticisms
13 Individual Criticisms
14 Submission of the Project and Jury Assessments
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
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