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Course Information
Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS
5 00630001 Law of Obligation - Special Provisions 3+0+0 6 6
Course Details
Language : Turkish
Level : Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program : Faculty of Law
Mode of Delivery : Face to Face
Type : Compulsory
Objectives : Aim of course is provided learning special debt relationships, contracts which causes handing over (for example sale, exchange, donation contracts), contracts which provide using and utilization (for example rent, borrow, loan, leasing contracts).
Content : Information which is related to theori and application is given about named-unnamed contracts and evaluations are done in theorical courses. First, unnamed contracts which established within the framework of contract freedom principle (sui generis contracts, composite contracts, combined contracts) are examined. Examples of each which is encountered most frequently is emphasized.
Methods & Techniques :
Prerequisites and co-requisities : None
Course Coordinator : None
Name of Lecturers : Asist Prof. FIRAT KORKMAZ
Assistants : None
Work Placement(s) : No
Recommended or Required Reading
Resources : Debts Law Special Provisions Cilt: 1-2, Mustafa Alper Gümüş, İstanbul 2013.
Debts Law Special Provisions, Fikret Eren, Ankara 2016.
Turkish Debts Law Special Provisions, Cevdet Yavuz/Faruk Acar/Burak Özen, İstanbul 2014.
Semester : Borçlar Hukuku Özel Borç İlişkileri, Aydın ZEVKLİLER/ K. Emre GÖKYAYLA, Ankara 2016.
Course Category
Social Sciences 100%
In-Term Study Informations
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 40%
Final examination 1 60%
Total 2 100%
Activity Informations
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 28 3 84
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 28 2 56
Assignments 4 2 8
Mid-terms 1 6 6
Practice 4 2 8
Final examination 1 7 7
Total Work Load ECTS: 6 169
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes
1 He/she can analyz making contract, sources of debt, payment of debts and responsibility status together with general concepts of debt law.
2 He/she learns types of contact, their establishing, their validity requirements, characteristic feature under the title "special provisions which related to debt law".
3 Firming of topics is provided for the purpose of learners' application with practical workin the light of theoretical information.
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 Contracs in Terms of Debts Law System
2 Contracts' Which Regulated in Debts Law Difference in terms of Their Purposes and Contents
3 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Handing Over of Something's Property: Sales Contract (Basic Items, Its Types, Matter of Benefit and Damage, The Rights and Obligations of The Buyer and The Seller).
4 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Handing Over of Something's Property: Sales Contract (Basic Items, Its Types, Matter of Benefit and Damage, The Rights and Obligations of The Buyer and The Seller).
5 Exchange of Goods with Goods Contract (Exchange)
6 Exchange of Goods with Goods Contract (Exchange)
7 Donation, Its Content and Its Conclusions
8 Donation, Its Content and Its Conclusions
9 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Utilizing: Rental Contract (Its Types, Rights and Obligations of the Parties, Sub-Rent/Transfering of Rental Contract, Ending of Contract)
10 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Utilizing: Rental Contract (Its Types, Rights and Obligations of the Parties, Sub-Rent/Transfering of Rental Contract, Ending of Contract)
11 Ending of Rental Contract with Causes Which In the Law No. 6570 and in terms of Contracts Which is in Scope This Law
12 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Utilizing: Borrow Contract and Its Conclusions
13 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Utilizing: Borrow Contract and Its Conclusions
14 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Utilizing: Loan Contract and Its Conclusions
15 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Utilizing: Loan Contract and Its Conclusions
17 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Utilizing: Leasing Contract and Its Conslusions
18 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Working: Employment Contract and Its Conslusions
19 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Working: Production Contract and Its Conclusions
20 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Working: Production Contract and Its Conclusions
21 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Working: Publishing Contract
22 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Working: Proxy Contract, Its Conclusions and Working unless Proxy
23 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Working: Proxy Contract, Its Conclusions and Working unless Proxy
24 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Storage: Storage Contract
25 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Assurance: Bailment Contract and Its Conclusions
26 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Assurance: Pledge Contract and Its Conclusions
27 One of the Contacts Which Aiming Assurance: Pledge Contract and Its Conclusions
28 Contracts Which Their Conclusions Dependent to Luck and Chance
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
All 45532553
C1 45532553
C2 45532553
C3 45532553