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Course Information
Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS
5 00630003 Commercial Law-I 4+0+0 9 9
Course Details
Language : Turkish
Level : Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program : Faculty of Law
Mode of Delivery : Face to Face
Type : Compulsory
Objectives : To examine the general principles and theories of Commercial Business and Partnership Law in detail and to make students comprehend
Content : Within the scope of Commercial Law I course, Commercial Business Law and Company Law courses are included. In the commercial business law course, the concept of commercial enterprise, commercial business, merchant, commercial lawsuit, trade registry and commercial books, unfair competition, trademark, current account and merchant assistants are discussed. In company law, titles such as ordinary company, general provisions of commercial companies, establishment of collective, commandite, joint stock, limited and cooperative companies, their organs, changes between partners, rights and obligations of partners, termination of partnership are discussed.
Methods & Techniques :
Prerequisites and co-requisities : None
Course Coordinator : None
Name of Lecturers : Asist Prof. Aytekin Çelik
Assistants : None
Work Placement(s) : No
Recommended or Required Reading
Resources : Reha Poroy/Ünal Tekinalp/Ersin Çamoğlu, Ortaklıklar Hukuku II, Yeniden Yazılmış 13. Baskı Vedat Kitabevi, Ankara 2017.
Reha Poroy/Ünal Tekinalp/Ersin Çamoğlu, Ortaklıklar Hukuku I, Yeniden Yazılmış 13. Baskı Vedat Kitabevi, Ankara 2014.
Hasan Pulaşlı, Şirketler Hukuku Şerhi Cilt I-II-III, 2018.
Aytekin Çelik, Ticaret Hukuku, Ankara 2017.
Gönen Eriş, Ticari İşletme ve Şirketler Cilt I-II-III, 2017.
Rıza Ayhan, Hayrettin Çağlar, Ticari İşletme Hukuku Genel Esasları, 2017.
Reha Poroy/ Hamdi Yasaman, Ticari İşletme Hukuku, 2017.
Hüseyin ÜLGEN, Mehmet HELVACI, Abuzer KENDİGELEN, Arslan KAYA, Füsun Nomer ERTAN, Ticari İşletme Hukuku, 2015.
Sabih ARKAN, Ticari İşletme Hukuku, 2017.
Course Category
Social Sciences 100%
In-Term Study Informations
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 40%
Final examination 1 60%
Total 2 100%
Activity Informations
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 28 4 112
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 28 4 112
Mid-terms 1 14 14
Final examination 1 14 14
Total Work Load ECTS: 9 252
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes
1 Understands the role and importance of commercial law in the legal system and commercial life.
2 Obtains the necessary information for the basic establishments of commercial activities and commercial enterprises.
3 Understands the elements of a commercial enterprise, the concept of merchant, commercial business and lawsuits by being included in commercial business law.
4 Learns the concept of company, the classification of commercial companies, the structure and characteristics of ordinary companies, collective companies, limited companies, limited liability companies and joint stock companies by being involved in company law.
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 Historical Development of Commercial Law
2 Commercial Affairs and Provisions to which they are Subject
3 Commercial Litigation, Evidence and Business Field of Commercial Courts
4 The Concept of Commercial Enterprise, Its Elements and Institutions Considered as Commercial Enterprises
5 Transfer of Commercial Enterprise, Merger of Enterprises and Commercial Enterprise Pledge
6 Legal Consequences of Merchant (Real Person Merchant- Legal Entity Merchant)
7 Trade Registry, Registry Procedures and Liability from the Trade Registry
8 Trade Name and Business Name
9 Brand and Geographical Indication Provisions
10 Unfair Competition, Unfair Competition according to the TCC, Application to Judiciary
11 Commercial Books, Bookkeeping Procedure, Liability Situations and Proof of Books
12 Merchant Assistants: Merchant Assistants (Commercial Representative, Commercial Attorney, Mobile Merchant Officer)
13 Merchant Auxiliaries: Auxiliaries not affiliated with the Merchant (Trade Dealer, Broker, Agent)
14 Midterm
15 General Concepts of Company-Association-Foundation and Introduction to Company Law
16 Ordinary Company, Establishment, Internal Relations, External Relations, Terms and Termination
17 General Provisions Regarding Trading Companies (Definition of Companies, Types, Licensing, Capital, Time Limit, Procedure to be Applied)
18 Merger, Type Change, Division of Companies
19 Definition of the Collective Company, Establishment, Internal Relations, Foreign Relations
20 Changes Between Partners in a Joint Stock Company and Dissolution (Liquidation) of a Joint Stock Company
21 Ordinary Limited Partnerships, Their Characteristics and Provisions
22 Characteristics and Provisions of Limited Partnerships with Capital Divided into Shares
23 Establishment, Elements, Bodies (General Assembly-Board of Directors) and Types of Joint Stock Companies
24 Audit, Shareholding in Joint Stock Companies
25 Termination-Liquidation of Joint Stock Company
26 General information about the limited company, amendment of the company contract, termination of the company and liquidation
27 General Information on Cooperative Companies
28 Final Exam
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
All 55432355
C1 55432355
C2 55432355
C3 55432355
C4 55432355