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Course Information
Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS
7 04571403 Conference Translation 3+0+0 7 7
Course Details
Language : Turkish
Level : Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program : Translation and Interpreting English
Mode of Delivery : Face to Face
Type : Compulsory
Objectives : To provide students the opportunity to improve their interpreting
skills in a real conference environment. To prepare them
psychologically for the conference and to help them feel
Content : In this lesson, simultaneous translations are made from English
to Turkish and from Turkish to English. Students work in booths,
and text selections are made based on current issues and
developments. Students are taught note-taking techniques and
how to deal with any problems in translation.
Methods & Techniques :
Prerequisites and co-requisities : None
Course Coordinator : Instructor Sonila Trifka Erim
Name of Lecturers : None
Assistants : None
Work Placement(s) : No
Recommended or Required Reading
Resources : BBC’ videos
CNN’s videos
Taylor-Bouladon, Valerie. Conference interpreting: Principles and practice, 2011. Jones, Roderick, Conference Interpreting Explained, St Jerome: Manchester, 1998
VOA , Voice of America videos
Taylor-Bouladon, Valerie. Conference interpreting: Principles and practice, 2011.
Pöchhacker, Franz, Introducing Interpreting Studies,USA:Routledge, 2004.
Magazines, journals, newspapers, authentic speeches on various topics
Course Category
Field 100%
In-Term Study Informations
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 40%
Final examination 1 60%
Total 2 100%
Activity Informations
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 14 3 42
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 3 42
Mid-terms 1 10 10
Practice 7 14 98
Final examination 1 10 10
Total Work Load ECTS: 7 202
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes
1 Having sufficient infrastructure in the area of translation and interpretation; acquire the ability to use theoretical and practical information in this area for solutions in oral and written translation experiences
2 Ability to identify, define, formulate and solve problems that may arise in interpretation
3 The ability to select and use modern techniques and tools necessary for interpreting applications; to develop the skills needed to use simultaneous cabin equipment effectively
4 Ability to work individually and effectively in multidisciplinary teams, confidence in taking responsibility.
5 Awareness of the necessity for lifelong learning the ability to monitor advances in science and technology and continually innovate.
6 Awareness of professional and ethical responsibility.
7 Awareness of workplace practices, employee rights awareness of legal implications of translation and interpreting practices.
8 Develop the skills to identify, define, formulate and solve problems that may arise in interpretation.
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 In case of opening speeches, press conferences etc.,
Topic: Business
Simultaneous translation work in a conference environment. Translating the
videos provided by the students. Videos will be translated from English into
1. Business, a sweetheart deal.
2. A short history of my city, Wales Brighton
2 In case of opening speeches, press conferences etc., interpreting exercises Topic:
Business terms
Simultaneous translation work in a conference environment. Translating the videos
provided by the students. Videos will be translated from English into Turkish
1. Business, : a text from VOA special english is chosen to be interpreted. ex.
Words and Their Stories: Bird Words
2. A short history of my city, a text is chosen to be interpreted.
ex. Wales Sheffield.
3 Simultaneous translation of conversations on the EU, UN, legal and recent
developments in the world
Topic: The World Today
Simultaneous translation work in a conference environment. Translating the
videos provided by the students. Videos will be translated from English into
1. World Today: a text from BBC News is chosen to be interpreted. ex.
Russia denies weaponising energy amid Europe gas crisis
2. History a text from BBC News is chosen to be interpreted.
ex. Living On Rations In The Second World War _ WW2_ I Was There
3. What is interpreting a text is choosen e.x. Analysis exercises for consecutive
The students are given three different texts for their selection.
4 Simultaneous translation of conversations on the latest developments in the
Subject: Healthcare
Simultaneous translation work in a conference environment. Translating the
videos provided by the students. The videos will be translated from English into
1. The health care Interpreter Network
2. What is Coronavirus
3. Coronavirus explained
4. The shocking reality of the health inequali
5 Topic: Art & Literature the past and present
Simultaneous translation work in a conference environment. Translating the
videos provided by the students. Videos will be translated from English into
1. The story of movies
2. The story of books
3. 6 minutes of art –Wassily Kandinsky
4. The history of theatre
6 Topic: Influencers, people that made history
Simultaneous translation work in a conference environment. Translating the videos
provided by the students. Videos will be translated from English into Turkish
1. The tragic story of Nikola Tesla
2. Jack Ma Motivational Speech
3. Elon Musk’s
4. Steve Jobs, Inspiration Speech
7 Simultaneous translation of conversations on the EU, UN, legal and recent
developments in the world
Topic: Industry
Simultaneous translation work in a conference environment. Translating the
videos provided by the students. Videos will be translated from English into
1. How are the sneakers made
2. The futuristic farm project
3. Green energy
4. The journey of Turkish tea
5. Half of World’s coffee could be gone by 2050
8 Simultaneous translation of conversations on the EU, UN, legal and recent
developments in the world
Topic: Turkey Today
Simultaneous translation work in a conference environment. The videos will
be translated by the students. They will be translated from Turkish into
1. Turkish lira historical depreciation
2. Precautions against female murders
3. How we broke the Earth, what should we do to fix it
9 Overview of conference interpreting in Turkey and around the world
Conference interpreting ethics
Topic: History of Turkey
Simultaneous translation work in a conference environment. Translating the
videos provided by the students. Videos will be translated from Turkish into
1 Turkish Republic in 10 minutes
2 A Journey into Turkish History
3 Turkish climate
10 Simultaneous translation of conversations on the economy, tax and
medicine Topic: Economy
Simultaneous translation work in a conference environment. Translating the
videos provided by the students. Videos will be translated from Turkish into
1 Get along on a fat salary
2 How much does a employee pay in a single day in Turkey?
11 Simultaneous translation of talks on OECD, economics, tax and medicine
Topic: Trade Analyzes and projects
Simultaneous translation practice in a conference setting. Translation of
given videos by students. The videos will be translated from Turkish to
1. Turkey Trade Analysis
2. Turkish car: Togg
3. Turkish weapons in 2023
12 Topic: Agriculture
Simultaneous translation practice in a conference setting. Translation of given
videos by students. The videos will be translated from Turkish to English.
1. Turkey Agriculture
2. Turkey and other countries
3. Agriculture in Turkey
13 Simultaneous translations of live broadcast programs (such as awards
ceremonies or press conferences)
Subject: Past and future of spare parts industry
Simultaneous translation practice in a conference setting. Translation of given
videos by students. The videos will be translated from Turkish to English.
1. Spare parts industry and defense industry
2. Konya is the largest spare parts manufacturer
14 Video-conference exercises
Topic: Future
Simultaneous translation practice in a conference setting. Translation of
given videos by students. The videos will be translated from Turkish to
1. The future of professions
2. Disappearing professions
3. What about my future?
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
All 5
C1 2
C2 5
C3 3
C4 5
C5 5
C6 2
C7 5