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Dear Students;

As the Business Management Department of the Faculty of Economics, Administration, and Social Sciences, our central mission is to educate our students to become managers, experts, or entrepreneurs capable of designing and applying management systems and finding solutions to micro and macroeconomic problems. As part of this mission, we further develop the abilities of our students through theoretical and practical courses, while strengthening their research skills at the national and international levels.

Our department's curriculum offers courses that fully engage our students in analytical techniques, industry-related projects, and case studies. As well as prerequisite courses such as Business Administration, Behavioral Science, Human Resource Management, Accounting, Marketing Management and International Marketing, Marketing Research, Quantitative Methods, and Operations Research, Production Management, Information Management, Corporate Finance, Financial Management, Behavioral Finance, Stock Market, Finance, Law, a variety of optional courses allow our students to focus on different areas. Our case study courses function as a simulator for our students and prepare them directly for the real world.

Upon completing their educational quests, our students assume important positions in the real sector in both Turkey and abroad. Our graduates serve as entrepreneurs in their own companies, in the departments of accounting and finance, human resources, marketing, purchasing, production, and management in Konya and in national private sector companies. Additionally, our graduates get to work in the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, banks and participation banks, the Capital Market Committee, the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Justice, and other public institutions.

We take tremendous pride in developing future entrepreneurs and experts with our education-oriented programs in line with the real sector. With that in mind, I wish our students all the best in their educational quest.

Prof. Dr. Osman OKKA  

Head of Business Department