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Course Information
Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS
2 99900013 Foreign Language (English) II 2+0+0 2 2
Course Details
Language : Turkish
Level : Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program : Social Work
Mode of Delivery : Face to Face
Type : Compulsory
Objectives : The student introduces himself/herself with simple expressions and simple sentences. It uses simple conjunctions like because, and, but, so.
Content : Using short dialogue and text, greetings, name, spelling, asking age and hometown, asking for repetition of information, and numbers are taught. For this purpose, the original text or the text created by the teacher is used. Printed, visual and audio materials are readily available.
Methods & Techniques :
Prerequisites and co-requisities : None
Course Coordinator : None
Name of Lecturers : Instructor İsmail PİŞER
Assistants : None
Work Placement(s) : No
Recommended or Required Reading
Resources : ...
Course Category
Social Sciences 100%
In-Term Study Informations
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 40%
Final examination 1 60%
Total 2 100%
Activity Informations
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 14 2 28
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28
Mid-terms 1 8 8
Final examination 1 10 10
Total Work Load ECTS: 2 74
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes
1 Receives and gives personal information verbally.
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 Acquaintance and introduction; brief information about language and culture; the objectives of the lesson; Behaviors, materials, discipline, absenteeism, exam types and weeks are discussed and if the alphabet of the language is different, letters and numbers are introduced.
2 The teacher presents the following text to the student.

My name is Ali Yigit. I am from Ardahan, Posof. I am 19 years old and studying engineering at university. This year is my first year. I'm so excited. We are a big family. I have three sisters and two brothers. All my siblings are younger than me. My father is a teacher and my mother is a housewife. I went to primary school in Posof and then at Posof High School. I finished high school last year. I won Karatay University in the university exam. I love Civil Engineering department. In my spare time, I play football and volleyball. I also like to read novels. I finish one book a month. Life is Beautiful!
The teacher reads this passage and becomes aware of how much has been understood. Students identify unknown words and rules. These are learned separately.
3 Last week's text is distributed to the student as follows.

My name is ……………. / I am from ………………………. I am …… years old and studying ………… at university. This year is my ……… year. I'm so excited. We are ………… a family. I have …… sister and …… brother. All my siblings are from me………. Father and mother …………. I went to primary school at ……… and then at ……… High school. I finished high school last year. I won Karatay University in the university exam. I love ………………… In my spare time, I play ……… and …………. I also like to read …………. I finish ……… once a month. Life is Beautiful!
Students are asked to fill in the blanks using a dictionary. The student is asked to read this text by humming and then hum it without looking. He tells the students what to do next week. The activity from last week is repeated with changes. Writing activity is done in different alphabets. Students try to read each other's writing.
4 Even though they have the text that they fill in the blanks according to themselves, the students are removed from the row and asked to draw a circle. Students are asked to talk about their school and their future as much as possible without looking at the paper, with one partner for each student and evenly spaced between them. The listening student is asked to help the speaker when he gets stuck. Then the listener begins to speak. The partners are changed and the same is repeated. Talking is continued until the paper is no longer needed.
5 He asks them to write the text studied in the previous week in the notebook. After the writing process is finished, they are asked to make a comparison with the first text. The teacher determines what the differences are. He retells the subjects. Then they are asked to rewrite.
6 Self-promotion continues mainly verbally. Matches are made and one spouse introduces himself, and the other spouse tries to understand his friend. The teacher asks questions that measure understanding, such as how many brothers does your friend have. Mutual promotion is repeated 3 more times. Exercises are given for the exam. Information about the exam is provided. The sample exam is shown in class.
7 Midterm
8 The course is taught in a way that the text studied until the midterm will be constructed in the form of questions and answers.
What is your name, how old are you, do you study, where are you studying, in which department are you studying? The questions of the escape year are taught in the faculty. After they are written on the board, the students take a circle to ask these questions and get their answers. The teacher hovers around to make sure everyone is asking questions and getting answers.
9 How many siblings do you have, are your siblings older or younger than you, what does your father do, what does your mother do, when did you finish high school, do you like your department? Students are asked to be prepared to answer these questions. If the teacher wants, he can write it in the notebook. He raises the students to their feet, asking these questions to the partners in the circle and asking the other to answer.
10 The question-answer style conversation learned in the eighth and ninth weeks is done together. This application will allow them to speak a foreign language for close to 5 minutes.
11 Are the lessons difficult, what do you do in your spare time, do you read books, the questions are taught like other questions.
12 This week, students are asked for their opinions on which questions they would like to ask, and they are told which answers would be appropriate according to these questions. This week, after the questions and average answers are determined, the conversation in the form of a circle starts.
13 What was done at 8 and 9 weeks is repeated.
14 What was done at 11 and 12 weeks is repeated. Students are asked to make a dialogue about all the subjects learned after the visa. Information about the final exam is given.
Introduce yourself; attempting to form a large sentence by combining short sentences learned before; By using the conjunctions “and”, “but”, “because” and “then”, it is aimed that the oral expression is reasonable, the speed is reasonable and the error in pronunciation is low.
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
All 445