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# Program Learning Outcomes
1 A.Acquisition of a sociological imagination; possessing mental skills of interpretation that can distinguish social facts
2 B.Possessing knowledge of major concepts and theories of sociological science
3 C.To be able to have sufficient knowledge of methods for using sociological knowledge in front of practical problems, to be able to use its programs (like SPSS)
4 D.To know the subdisciplines of sociology like literature, art, knowledge, culture, religion, economics, politics, family sociology and to work with these disciplines,
5 E.To be able to relate sociology to other social sciences like history, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, political science, literature, business, working economy and to have interpretation
6 F. To be able to meet the basic expectations of sociology discipline as well as to have a sufficiently effective foreign language and computer knowledge and to use the necessary programs
7 G.To dominate the current sociological conceptualizations and periodizations such as modernism, postmodernism, globalization.
8 H.To be able to comprehend the current developments and social dynamics in the world and in our country and to be able to use the basic equipments required by the age of information, to analyze them historically and to find sociological solution suggestions,
9 İ.To be able to closely evaluate the adventure of sociology in our country, which has been continuing daily from the beginning, in the axis of the main pioneering contributors,
10 J.Having the equipments that will enable it to be used by itself in different fields such as private sector and think tanks,
11 K. To use effective and proper language for individuals in the theoretical and practical aspects of sociology discipline and to be able to translate it into sociological literature.
12 L.By using written and visual records, he can access original sources of information and analyze the acquired information with a critical view.
13 M. It will act in accordance with social, cultural, scientific and ethical values ??in the process of establishing knowledge and accumulation related to sociology (collection, interpretation and announcement of results)
14 N.Being able to apply sociological knowledge in everyday life, to uncover and question relations of power that are embedded in social and cultural life.
15 O.Being able to analyse the social structure of Turkey in a historical perspective.
16 P.Developing an awareness and sensibility on issues related to human rights, social justice, gender, cultural values and environment.