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Course Information
Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS
3 03330011 History of Islam 3+0+0 4 4
Course Details
Language : Turkish
Level : Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program : History
Mode of Delivery : Face to Face
Type : Compulsory
Objectives : The purpose of the lesson is to examine Hz. Muhammad's life, the sending of him as a prophet to all humanity, the birth of Islam, the spread to the ancient world, especially the Arab peninsula, the struggles made in this cause, the Islamic conquest movements,social, political and economic events as a result of these conquest movements and during the four caliphate periods.
Content : Arrangement of sources which are the oral, written and archaeological importance of Islamic history; The root of the tribes living in pre-Islamic Arabic peninsula; Arab-i Aribe, Arab-i Baide. Hz. The descendants of Muhammad, childhood, youth and Arabia in the period of ignorance, Hz. Muhammad's prophethood, I. and II. Hegira.
Methods & Techniques :
Prerequisites and co-requisities : None
Course Coordinator : None
Name of Lecturers : Associate Prof.Dr. Mustafa AKKUŞ - -
Assistants : None
Work Placement(s) : No
Recommended or Required Reading
Resources : Kısas-ı Enbiya, Peygamberler Tarihi, Ahmet Cevdet Paşa, İstanbul 1962-1963.
İslam Toplumları Tarihi, Ira M. LAPİDUS, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul 1998.
Semester : İslam Uygarlıkları Tarihi-I, C. ZEYDAN, Çev. Nejdet GÖK, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul 2004.
Course Category
Field 100%
In-Term Study Informations
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 40%
Final examination 1 60%
Total 2 100%
Activity Informations
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 14 3 42
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 3 42
Assignments 2 5 10
Mid-terms 1 10 10
Final examination 1 16 16
Total Work Load ECTS: 4 120
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes
1 S/He can recognize the pre-Islamic Arabian Peninsula and its surroundings.
2 S/He can grasp Hz. Muhammad`s life before the Prophecy.
3 S/He can dominate Hz. Muhammad`s prophetic life, the process of the birth and spread of Islam.
4 S/He can understand the difficulties encountered during the spread of Islam.
5 S/He can examine Islam`s Mecca and Medina periods and summarize the differences between these two periods.
6 S/He can understand Hz. Muhammad`s death and the subsequent events.
7 S/ He can comprehend the political, social, military, economic and cultural life of the Four Caliphates.
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 Physical Characteristics of the Arabian Peninsula - Social Structure in the Arabian Peninsula before Islam - Political and Administrative Structure in the Arabian Peninsula before Islam - Economic Thought and Cultural Structure
2 Phases of Mecca-Period Islamic Communication
3 Aqabah Biatları - Hegira - Agreements Made with the Jews, Ebva Gazvesi
4 Relations with the Jews of Medina and nearby
5 Nahle-Bedir-Kaynuka Gazveleri - Uhud-Katan Expeditions - Raci and Bir-i Mavne Tragedy
6 Hendek-Kurayza-Mustalik Gazveleri- Hudeybiye Agreement, Sending the Messengers
7 "Hayber`s Conquest - Umretülkaza-Mute War - Conquest of Mecca - Gaza of Huneyn - Conquest of Taif
8 Tebuk Gazvesi - The Farewell Sermon - Hz. Muhammad`s Death - Selection of Hz. Ebu Bekir`s Caliph - Usame Army - The Problem of the Liar Prophet
9 Hz. Ebu Bekir Period and Ridde Wars
10 Hz. Ömer Period and Great Conquests
11 Hz. Osman Period and Internal Disputes
12 Hz. Ali Period and Civil Wars
13 Situations of Hz. Hasan and Hz. Hüseyin
14 General Evaluation
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
All 5343
C1 5343
C2 5343
C3 5343
C4 5343
C5 5343
C6 5343