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Course Information
Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS
3 00130211 Civil Procedure 3+0+0 5 5
Course Details
Language : Turkish
Level : Associate Degree
Department / Program : Justice
Mode of Delivery : Face to Face
Type : Compulsory
Objectives : Civil Procedure Law demanding the subjective rights of persons arising from the material law
is an area that serves and protects from private law.
protection, fulfillment or compensation in the event of violation of their subjective rights
to show how the demands should be made and in this way
the general peace that it wants to reach and the dispute between the parties
teaching ways.
Content : The jurisdiction for dispute resolution in civil law disputes
bodies, jurisdictional courts, general principles related to proceedings, types of proceedings,
the opening of the case, the investigation phase and the procedures of the party and the court at this stage,
proof of action in the proceedings, burden of proof, evidence and judgment phase
legal remedies, special judicial proceedings, temporary legal protection
The subject of caution and arbitration is the content of the course.
Methods & Techniques :
Prerequisites and co-requisities : None
Course Coordinator : None
Name of Lecturers : Instructor Şehnaz KÖSEOĞLU
Assistants : None
Work Placement(s) : No
Recommended or Required Reading
Resources : Medeni Usul Hukuku Temel Bilgiler, Hakan PEKCANITEZ/Oğuz ATALAY/Muhammet ÖZEKES 16. Baskı Yetkin Yayınları, 2022
Course Category
Social Sciences 100%
Field 100%
In-Term Study Informations
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 40%
Final examination 1 60%
Total 2 100%
Activity Informations
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 14 3 42
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 6 84
Mid-terms 1 8 8
Final examination 1 11 11
Total Work Load ECTS: 5 145
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes
1 Types of jurisdiction in civil procedure law, general information about the case, filing a lawsuit and response to the lawsuit, courts, division of duty-authority, judicial officers, procedural-party procedures, notification procedure, intervention to the case, the theory and practice of the subjects are learned.
2 Learns how to go to legal remedies in civil procedure proceedings, their procedures and qualifications, special trial procedures and alternative dispute resolution methods.
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 Medeni Usul Hukukunun Yargı Çeşitleri İçindeki Yeri, Mahkemeler Teşkilatı( İlk Derece Mahkemeleri, İstinaf Mahkemeleri, Üst Derece Mahkemesi olarak Yargıtay)
2 Mahkemelerde Görev ve Mahkemelerde Yetki
3 Genel Mahkemeler Arasında İş Dağılımı ve İş Bölümü, Mahkemelere Yardımcı Organlar, Dava Kavramı, Tarafları, Davaya Vekâlet
4 Dava Şartları, Dava Çeşitleri ve Özellikleri, Davanın İkamesi( Davaya Cevap, Cevaba Cevap, Cevaba Cevaba Cevap Dilekçeleri)
5 Öninceleme ve Tahkikat Aşaması, Delil Kavramı, Delillerin Hasredilmesi ve Delil Çeşitleri(Kesin Delil- Takdiri Delil)
6 Tahkikatın Bitmesi ve Hüküm Verilmesi, Sözlü Yargılama
7 Davadaki Özel Durumlar( Hadise- Bekletici Sorun- Dava Arkadaşlığı- Davaların Ayrılması/Birleştirilmesi) ,Davadaki Özel Durumlar(Davaya Müdahale-Davanın İhbarı, Feragat/Kabul-Karşılık Dava-Islah)
8 İlk İtirazlar, İhtiyati Tedbirler, Delillerin Tespiti, Genel Olarak Kanun Yolları
9 İstinaf Yolu, Temyiz Yolu
10 Kanun Yararına Temyiz, İçtihatların Birleştirilmesi
11 Kesin Hüküm( Maddi Anlamda Kesin Hüküm-Şekli Anlamda Kesin Hüküm) ,Yargılamanın İadesi
12 Özel Yargılama Usulleri( Basit Yargılama Usulü- Yazılı Yargılama Usulü)
13 Alternatif Uyuşmazlık Çözüm Yolları, Arabuluculuk
14 Tahkim
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
All 55555
C1 55434
C2 32554