Course Information Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS 5 05150502 Electrical Machines 4+0+2 5 6 Course Details Language : Turkish Level : Bachelor's Degree Department / Program : Electrical-Electronics Engineering Mode of Delivery : Formal Education Type : Compulsory Objectives : The aim of this course is to provide information on the following subjects and to gain the ability to successfully perform engineering studies that may be encountered in a similar field by gaining mathematical analysis ability;Basic laws explaining electromechanical energy conversions, magnetic field, basic magnetic circuits, transformer structure and working principle, electrical model of single phase transformer and calculations of current voltage, efficiency and voltage regulation, finding transformer parameters, connection types of three-phase transformers and their equivalent in terms of single phase transformer. making current and voltage efficiency analysis. Working principle of DC current generators, analysis of DC generators, current, voltage, power calculations, working principle of DC motors, analysis of DC motors, current, voltage, power calculations, DC motor speed control methods. Content : Basic laws explaining electromechanical energy conversions, magnetic field, basic magnetic circuits, transformer structure and working principle, electrical model of single phase transformer and calculations of current voltage, efficiency and voltage regulation, finding transformer parameters, connection types of three-phase transformers and their equivalent in terms of single phase transformer. making current and voltage efficiency analysis. Working principle of DC current generators, analysis of DC generators, current, voltage, power calculations, working principle of DC motors, analysis of DC motors, current, voltage, power calculations, DC motor speed control methods Methods & Techniques : Prerequisites and co-requisities : None Course Coordinator : Associate Prof.Dr. Hulusi AÇIKGÖZ Name of Lecturers : Instructor Mehmet ÖZBAY Assistants : None Work Placement(s) : No Recommended or Required Reading Semester : Transformers and Electric Machinery Course Category Mathematics and Basic Sciences 25% Engineering 40% Engineering Design 10% Field 25% In-Term Study Informations In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage Mid-terms 1 30% Quizzes 2 20% Assignment 1 5% Attendance 1 5% Practice 1 10% Final examination 1 30% Total 7 100% Activity Informations Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load Course Duration 4 14 56 Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 4 14 56 Assignments 2 14 28 Mid-terms 3 5 15 Laboratory 4 2 8 Final examination 1 15 15 Total Work Load ECTS: 6 178 Course Learning Outcomes Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to: No Learning Outcomes 1 Basic magnetic laws and magnetic circuit analysis 2 The analysis of single phase and three phase transformers 3 The analysisf of dc generators 4 The analysis of dc motors Weekly Detailed Course Contents Week Topics 1 Basic laws T ( Ampere cct law ,Faraday's law .,Lenz law . Lorentz Force law. ) 2 Magnetic cct analysis 3 Magnetic cct analysis 4 Structure of single phase transformer, its operantional princible and its cct analysis and transformers tests 5 Structure of single phase transformer, its operantional princible and its cct analysis and transformers tests 6 Structure of single phase transformer, its operantional princible and its cct analysis and transformers tests 7 Types of three phase transformers, modelling and analysis by their single phase equilavent 8 Types of three phase transformers, modelling and analysis by their single phase equilavent 9 The principle of operation of dc generators, types of dc generators and their analysis 10 The principle of operation of dc generators, types of dc generators and their analysis 11 The principle of operation of dc generators, types of dc generators and their analysis 12 Operation principle of dc motor, its types and cct analysis, dc motors speed control methods 13 Operation principle of dc motor, its types and cct analysis, dc motors speed control methods 14 Operation principle of dc motor, its types and cct analysis, dc motors speed control methods Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes P1P2P3P4P5P6P7P8P9P10P11 All C1 C2 C3 C4 bbb