Course Information Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS 5 05150503 Microprocessors 3+2+0 4 5 Course Details Language : English Level : Bachelor's Degree Department / Program : Electrical-Electronics Engineering Mode of Delivery : Formal Education Type : Compulsory Objectives : Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to represent information in a digital form, introductory information about PIC microcontrollers, programming basics of 16F84, some introductory projects like LED Flasher, Chasing LEDs, etc, be able to write a header program in assembly language, acquire the main programming skills, how to use inputs and outputs, the meaning of analogue to digital conversion, and the usage of interrupts Content : Basic elements of microprocessor systems. Instruction formats. Addressing techniques. Assembler language- with examples from microprocessors. Detailed examination of addressing, instruction execution, data representation and program coding and debugging. Design of microprocessor based systems. Methods & Techniques : Prerequisites and co-requisities : None Course Coordinator : Associate Prof.Dr. Hulusi AÇIKGÖZ Name of Lecturers : Asist Prof.Dr. Abdülkadir Özcan Assistants : None Work Placement(s) : No Recommended or Required Reading Resources : D. W. Smith, “PIC in Practice”, 2nd Edition, Elsevier-Newnes, (2006) Course Category Engineering 50% Engineering Design 50% In-Term Study Informations In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage Mid-terms 1 60% Final examination 1 40% Total 2 100% Activity Informations Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load Course Duration 14 2 28 Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 3 42 Mid-terms 1 16 16 Laboratory 14 2 28 Project 1 20 20 Final examination 1 10 10 Total Work Load ECTS: 5 144 Course Learning Outcomes Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to: No Learning Outcomes 1 Know the discrete time control concept, control with computer, ability to analyze control systems with microprocessor 2 Know the fundamentals of digital electronics and analyze the digital circuits 3 Know the basic programming languages (Visual basic, Assembly, C) used in electronics system 4 Know the basic components of computer and microprocessors, and operating systems, and have ability to select component 5 Implement control algorithms in microprocessors. Weekly Detailed Course Contents Week Topics 1 Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number Systems: Bit, Byte, Word (12 or 16 bits). 2 Memory Types: RAM, ROM, EPROM, EEPROM (Flash), ICs ( LSI, VLSI, V2LSI, Gates, Microprocessors, Microcomputers, Microcontrollers). 3 Introduction to the Microcontrollers: Types of Microcontrollers, Program Memory, Clock, Microcontroller Specs, Hardware (minimum wiring to power suply, switch and LED). 4 Programming the 16F84 µC: Inputs and Outputs, Timing, Programming, Entering Data, A Header for 16F84, STATUS REG and OPTION_REG, Saving and Assembling the Code, PICSTART PLUS Programmer, Example: 2 Flashing LED Program. 5 Introductory Projects: LED Flasher2, SOS Flasher, Flashing 8 LEDs, Chasing LEDs, Traffic Light, More than 8 Output. 6 Criteria to Choose Appropriate PIC: Differences between 16F84 and 16F818, Header Programs for 16F84and 16F818. 7 Using Inputs: Switch Flowchart, Program Development, Scanning the Inputs, Example of a hot air blower. 8 Understanding the Headers: 16F84 Memory Map, 16F818 Memory Map. 9 Analog to Digital Conversion: Making an A/D Reading, Configuring the A/D Device, Analogue Header for 16F818, A/D Conversion Examples: a temperature sensitive switch, a voltage indicator. program codes. 10 Radio Transmitters and Receivers: Measuring the Received Pulse Width. 11 EEPROM Data Memory: example using EEPROM. 12 Interrupts: Interrupt Sources, Interrupt Control Register. 13 Programs Using an Interrupt. 14 Higher Level PIC Pograms, Discussions, Future Aspects, Enlarging the information to 16F877 PIC. Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes P1P2P3P4P5P6P7P8P9P10P11 All C1 C2 C3 C4 bbb