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Course Information
Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS
5 99500008 Research And Biostatistics In Health 2+2+0 3 3
Course Details
Language : Turkish
Level : Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program : Child Development
Mode of Delivery : Face to Face
Type : Compulsory
Objectives : To teach basic statistical concepts, descriptive statistics, construction and interpretation of table and graphs, basic theoretical distributions, sampling distributions, standard error and confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, correlations and simple linear regression analysis.
Content : Basic statistical definitions, descriptive statistics, theoretical distributions, sampling distributions, sampling methods, required sample size, hypothesis tests, correlation and linear regression methods are the contents of this course
Methods & Techniques :
Prerequisites and co-requisities : None
Course Coordinator : Prof. Dr. Filiz Erbay
Name of Lecturers : None
Assistants : None
Work Placement(s) : No
Recommended or Required Reading
Resources : Alpar R. Spor, Sağlık ve Eğitim Bilimlerinden Örneklerle UYGULAMALI İSTATİSTİK ve GEÇERLİK-GÜVENİRLİK. Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2010.
Semester : Statistical Methods in Education and Psychology 3rd Ed. by Glass and Hopkins (1996).
Course Category
Mathematics and Basic Sciences 100%
In-Term Study Informations
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 40%
Final examination 1 60%
Total 2 100%
Activity Informations
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 14 3 42
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 4 56
Assignments 5 1 5
Presentation 5 1 5
Mid-terms 1 1 1
Final examination 1 1 1
Total Work Load ECTS: 3 110
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes
1 Performs quantitative analysis on observed data
2 Predicts future data/cases using existing data.
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 Scales
2 Frequency Distribution
3 Measures of central tendency
4 Measures of central dispersion
5 Standart scores and Normal Distribution
6 Single regression
7 Single regression
8 Midterm
9 Sampling Distribution
10 Lecture, Question & Answer, Demonstration, Drill - Practise
11 Lecture, Question & Answer, Demonstration, Drill - Practise
12 t-test
14 Final
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
All 3