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# Program Learning Outcomes
1 Scientific and social applied, epidemiological, related to basic sciences and midwifery, and women in the family can be new and survivable.
2 She has the ability to identify, describe, interpret, explain and solve the process, case, cost in her field, and accordingly, includes and applies appropriate midwifery initiatives to maintain health and determine them.
3 Midwives to society; offers holistic, culturally sensitive, evidence-based care to support healthy family living, planned pregnancies and positive parenting.
4 It provides holistic, culturally sensitive, evidence-based care that includes early detection of risks, referral or treatment of detected complications to maximize health throughout pregnancy.
5 She manages birth on her own responsibility and provides holistic, culturally sensitive, evidence-based care.
6 Provides comprehensive high quality culturally sensitive evidence based care for postpartum women and newborns.
7 Midwives provide holistic, culturally sensitive, evidence-based care in accordance with national protocols regarding women's health and in the event of termination or loss of pregnancy.
8 Knows and applies legal rights and responsibilities with professional ethics awareness.
9 Develops herself in accordance with her interests and competencies.
10 It follows, develops and uses the developments in science and technology required for midwifery applications.
11 Has the ability to communicate in Turkish orally and in writing and has at least one foreign language knowledge.
12 Has the ability to design research specific to midwifery, collect data, analyze results, interpret and report.
13 Has awareness of the historical development, definition, effects and legal consequences of the midwifery profession at national and international levels.