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Course Information
Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS
1 99500002 Medical Biochemistry 2+0+0 3 3
Course Details
Language : Turkish
Level : Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program : Midwifery
Mode of Delivery : Face to Face
Type : Compulsory
Objectives : The basic features of Medical Biochemistry subjects are to have knowledge about the role of health and diseases.
Content : Molecular, biochemical and cellular mechanisms that are important in maintaining the homeostatic balance of the body, blood collection techniques which are the subjects of medical biochemistry, carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, proteins, enzymes, npn body, nutrition and vitamins, hormones, nucleic acids, biochemical parameters in pregnancy, integration of mammalian metabolism and definitions of hormonal regulation, necessary information in their vocational training.
Methods & Techniques :
Prerequisites and co-requisities : None
Course Coordinator : Asist Prof.Dr. Hediye KARAKOÇ
Name of Lecturers : Asist Prof. Levent SARIYILDIZ
Assistants : None
Work Placement(s) : No
Recommended or Required Reading
Resources : Gözükara, E.M. (2010). Biyokimya. 5. Baskı. Nobel Tıp K,tabevi: İstanbul.
Semester : Murray, R.K., Granner, D.K., Mayes, P.A., Rodwell, V.W (2000). Harpers Biochemistry. 25th ed. Appleton and Lange Publications: New York, United States.
Course Category
Health 100%
In-Term Study Informations
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 40%
Final examination 1 60%
Total 2 100%
Activity Informations
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 14 2 28
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28
Mid-terms 1 8 8
Final examination 1 16 16
Total Work Load ECTS: 3 80
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes
1 Knows biochemical parameters.
2 Knows the biochemical evaluation of diseases related to metabolism.
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 Introduction to medical biochemistry,
2 Carbohydrates
3 Lipids
4 Amino acids
5 Proteins
6 Enzymes
7 NPN bodies
8 Midterm Exam
9 Nutrition and vitamins
10 Hormones
11 Nucleic acids
12 Integration and hormonal regulation of mammalian metabolism
13 Steroid hormones I
14 Blood collection techniques
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
All 2
C1 2
C2 2