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Course Information
Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS
5 02050300 Health Problems and Nursing in Adults and Elderly 6+8+0 10 10
Course Details
Language : Turkish
Level : Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program : Nursing
Mode of Delivery : Face to Face
Type : Compulsory
Objectives : By gaining the necessary information about the pathophysiological conditions that will enable the diagnosis and treatment to be understood and interpreted in terms of nursing in case of deviation from health in adult and elderly individuals, by considering the adult and the elderly as a whole in terms of physical, psychological and social aspects, by determining the self-care needs in cases of universal, developmental and health deviations. To be able to carry out care in line with Orem's Self-Care Theory. In addition, early diagnosis of secondary problems that may occur in individuals due to chronic diseases and to provide counseling and training to individuals and families.
Content : Lecturing, visually supported presentation, case examples, group assignment discussions with a fictional or real clinical case, question-answer, discussion
Methods & Techniques :
Prerequisites and co-requisities : ( 02040206 )
Course Coordinator : None
Name of Lecturers : Asist Prof. Serap Sayar
Asist Prof. Fatma Gündogdu
Assistants : None
Work Placement(s) : No
Recommended or Required Reading
Resources : 1. Akdemir N, Birol L. (2011) İç Hastalıklar Hemşireliği 6. Baskı Ankara, Sistem Ofset 2. Burke KM, Mohn-Brown EL, Eby L. (2011) Medical- Surgical Nursing Care. Third Ed. Boston, Pearson. 3. Can H. (2015). Onkoloji Hemşireliği. Birinci baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, İstanbul. 4. Dirksen, Lewis, Heitkempter. (2007) İç ve Cerrahi Hastalıkların Bakımında Klinik Rehber (Çev. Ed. Akbayrak, Hatipoğlu, Şenel. Ankara, Damla Matbaacılık 5. Durna Z, Akın S. (2012) Kronik Hastalıklar ve Bakımı, Birinci Baskı,
Semester : 1. Akdemir N, Birol L. (2011) İç Hastalıklar Hemşireliği 6. Baskı Ankara, Sistem Ofset 2. Burke KM, Mohn-Brown EL, Eby L. (2011) Medical- Surgical Nursing Care. Third Ed. Boston, Pearson. 3. Can H. (2015). Onkoloji Hemşireliği. Birinci baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, İstanbul. 4. Dirksen, Lewis, Heitkempter. (2007) İç ve Cerrahi Hastalıkların Bakımında Klinik Rehber (Çev. Ed. Akbayrak, Hatipoğlu, Şenel. Ankara, Damla Matbaacılık 5. Durna Z, Akın S. (2012) Kronik Hastalıklar ve Bakımı, Birinci Baskı,
Course Category
Health 25%
Field 75%
In-Term Study Informations
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 3 30%
Assignment 6 10%
Practice 14 20%
Final examination 1 40%
Total 24 100%
Activity Informations
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 14 6 84
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28
Assignments 6 10 60
Mid-terms 3 3 9
Practice 14 8 112
Final examination 1 10 10
Total Work Load ECTS: 10 303
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes
1 Learning the basic elements of human life, health problems and changes in adulthood and old age.
2 Understanding the patient's health and health deviations by associating them with human physiology and pathophysiology.
3 Combining nursing theory (Orem Self-Care Theory) and concepts with the gains in this course and transferring them to nursing care within the framework of human life cycle by putting the patient in the center in clinical studies.
4 To be able to gain self-care in the diagnosis/chronic illness of the individual by using the four knowing methods of nursing (Empirical, Aesthetic, Ethics, Personal Knowledge).
5 To be able to use holistic nursing approach in the care of adults and elderly individuals with acute and chronic internal and surgical health problems.
6 To be able to collect and plan data on the individual's ability to carry out universal and developmental self-care needs, determine and evaluate appropriate interventions in case of deviation from health in adults and the elderly.
7 Ability to discuss acquired knowledge and skills, critical and creative thinking and problem solving approaches
8 To be able to provide health education according to the needs of the patient / family at the level of primary, secondary and tertiary protection regarding health problems.
9 To be able to gain self-care in the individual's health problems
10 Willingness to take part in a multidisciplinary team in patient care in internal and surgical clinics
11 To be able to explain the care needs of the individual/family/society before, during and after surgery and to carry out nursing care in health problems that require surgical intervention.
12 Explaining the care needs of the individual/family/society in health problems that require medical treatment and palliative care and being able to carry out nursing care
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 Reminders of the previous information about the effects of 21st century diseases and health policies on nursing-Homeostasis and adoptive responses to stressors, Pathophysiology and care in internal and surgical diseases-discussing nursing care in internal diseases and surgical diseases with case studies
2 Chronic diseases and their importance- Cell and its functions, Cell injury, cell death, cell adaptations, neoplasms, cancer and discussing nursing care with case studies.
3 Discussing pathophysiological conditions related to the respiratory system, medical treatment and surgery of respiratory system diseases, respiratory system-related health deviations and nursing care with sample cases
4 Discussing pathophysiological conditions related to the circulatory system, medical treatment and surgery of circulatory system diseases, circulatory system-related health deviations and nursing care with case studies.
5 Discussing pathophysiological conditions related to the gastrointestinal system, medical treatment and surgery of gastrointestinal system diseases, gastrointestinal system-related health deviations and nursing care with case studies
6 Discussing pathophysiological conditions related to blood diseases (hematological system), medical treatment and surgery of blood diseases, hematological system-related health deviations and nursing care with case studies
7 Discussing the pathophysiological conditions related to the endocrine system, medical treatment and surgery of endocrine system diseases, endocrine system related health deviations and nursing care with case studies.
8 Discussing pathophysiological conditions related to the urinary system, medical treatment and surgery of urinary system diseases, urinary system-related health deviations and nursing care with case studies.
9 Discussing pathophysiological conditions related to fluid-electrolyte-acid-base balance and imbalances, health deviations related to fluid-electrolyte-acid-base balance and nursing care with sample cases
10 Discussing pathophysiological conditions related to the nervous system, medical treatment and surgery of nervous system diseases, nervous system-related health deviations and nursing care with case studies, Approach to the patient with pain and pain
11 Discussing pathophysiological conditions related to musculoskeletal system, medical treatment and surgery of musculoskeletal system diseases, musculoskeletal related health deviations and nursing care with case studies.
12 Discussing immune system related pathophysiological conditions, immune system diseases medical treatment and surgery, immune system related health deviations and nursing care with case studies
13 Wound healing and care in internal and surgical diseases
14 Discussing burns and nursing care with case studies
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
All 2333333
C1 33433333
C2 4544433334433
C3 44455434
C4 55454445545
C5 45444544455434
C6 4444445
C7 4455444
C8 444445554
C9 44455444
C10 554544445445
C11 554544445445