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Course Information
Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS
7 02070400 Public Health Nursing 4+8+0 9 9
Course Details
Language : Turkish
Level : Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program : Nursing
Mode of Delivery : Face to Face
Type : Compulsory
Objectives : It is to teach the student to know the society, to improve health, to protect from diseases, to increase the quality of life by using evidence-based practices, and to encourage the application of this knowledge on society and family.
Content : Methods of assessment of health needs, omaha system care plan, meeting the needs of families and evaluating the results of services that help these needs, prevention of diseases, follow-up and evaluation of health problems in primary health care institutions, diagnosis and screening methods in primary health care institutions
Methods & Techniques :
Prerequisites and co-requisities : ( 02060304 ) and ( 02060305 )
Course Coordinator : None
Name of Lecturers : Asist Prof. Berna Bayır
Assistants : None
Work Placement(s) : No
Recommended or Required Reading
Resources : Erci B, Kılıç D, Aydın Avcı İ, Tanrıverdi G, Aylaz R, Güngörmüş Z, Hacıalioğlu N, Öztürk S. (2016). Public Health Nursing Book, Göktuğ Press, Editor; Behice Erci
Semester : It is for theoretical knowledge with two midterm exams. The weight of each midterm exam in the course passing grade is 15%. The weight of the final exam will be 40% in the course passing grade. The student's weekly plans are checked before going on the field. The reports that should be included in the application file; two Omaha system maintenance plan forms, visual training materials they used in practice, a rough sketch of the ASM they put into practice, and a district research report. The student will receive 50% of the application grade from the semester application file that he/she will submit.
In-Term Study Informations
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 20%
Quizzes 1 20%
Practice 1 20%
Final examination 1 40%
Total 4 100%
Activity Informations
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 14 4 56
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 8 112
Presentation 1 5 5
Mid-terms 2 5 10
Practice 12 6 72
Final examination 1 15 15
Total Work Load ECTS: 9 270
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes
1 Learns the basic concepts of health.
2 Learns the cultural structure, values ??and general characteristics of the society they serve. Knows the service planning according to the characteristics of the society.
3 Learns primary, secondary and tertiary protection principles for public health and puts them into practice.
4 Knows that getting to know the society is possible by getting to know the individual and the family first. For this reason, it examines the individual and the family, collects data, makes a care plan, makes and evaluates nursing interventions.
5 Uses problem solving technique while intervening in health problems.
6 Recognizes the organizations that serve public health and the society is directed to these organizations.
7 Learns to make home visits, plans and implements visits.
8 Provides care for the group by identifying the risk groups in the society.
9 It provides information about the individual, family and society about protecting and improving health and taking a role in the treatment of diseases.
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 The Concept of Public Health and Its Development
History of Public Health Nursing
Declaration of Assignment
Purpose, Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities of Public Health Nursing
Omaha application chart
2 family health
Definition of Family and Family Types
Family Health Nursing
Domestic Violence
Health Protection and Development Services from Family to Community
3 Public Health Nursing in Home Care
Education of the Family on Patient Care at Home
Home Health Team
Home Care Services
The Role of the Nurse in Home Care
Home Care Service Areas
4 Getting to know the community
Service Areas in Public Health
Basic Health Services
Protection and Development of Community Health
Home Visits
Health Education
5 Mother-Child Health
15-49 Age Female Follow-up (Guest will be invited)
Factors Affecting Main Health
Prenatal Care Services
From Pregnancy to 2 Years Maternal Monitoring
6 Breastfeeding (student presentation)
Family-Nurse Collaboration Program (NFP)
Family planning
Child Health and Immunization (Guest to be invited)
Preschool Child Health
Roles of Health Workers in Immunization
7 School Health Nursing
Health Problems and Control in School Age Children
Roles of the School Health Nurse
Monitoring in School Health
Environmental Health
Effect of Environmental Pollution on Health
Genetically Modified Organisms and Environmental Health
Public Health Nurse in Environmental Health
Role and Functions
8 Adolescent Health
Adolescent Physical Growth and Development
Psychosocial Development in Adolescence
Adolescent Follow-up in Primary Care
9 Elderly Health
Aging in the World and in Turkey
Elderly Care Systems
Use of Health Services by the Elderly
Services for the Elderly in Turkey
Nursing Services Provided to Elderly Individuals in Primary Care
10 Community Mental Health
Epidemiology of Mental Disorders/Diseases
Causes of Mental Disorders
Community Mental Health Services in Primary Care
11 Control of Non-Communicable Diseases
Chemical, Biological or Nuclear Attacks
Noncommunicable Diseases and Risk Factors
Policies for Combating Non-Communicable Diseases in Turkey
Control of Infectious Diseases
Infectious Diseases Risk Factors
Notification of Infectious Diseases
Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases
12 Epidemiology and Historical Development
Purpose of epidemiology
Health and Disease Measurements
Demographics and Health
Urban and Rural Areas
Types of Society in terms of Demographics
Health Level Indicators
13 Occupational Health
Occupational Health Nursing
Labor Law
Occupational Safety and Work Accidents
Social Work and Public Health
Special Assisted Groups and Nursing Approach
Social Assistance and Solidarity Law
Social services
Types of Social Services Assistance
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
All 55
C1 5
C2 55
C3 554553
C4 55
C5 54
C6 5
C7 54
C8 55