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Course Information
Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS
3 02030203 Health Assessment 3+0+8 9 9
Course Details
Language : Turkish
Level : Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program : Nursing
Mode of Delivery : Face to Face
Type : Compulsory
Objectives : To enable the learner to meet with the basic concepts and theories of the individual to meet the requirements of universal, developmental and health deviations and to transform them into skills in the practice laboratory and then encourage them to practice on real patients.
Content : How health assessment is used in planning nursing care in the nursing, objective, subjective assessment and evaluation techniques are covered. Then the skin, head and neck, breast, abdomen, cardiovascular, respiratory, neurology and musculoskeletal systems are evaluated.
Methods & Techniques :
Prerequisites and co-requisities : ( 02020106 )
Course Coordinator : None
Name of Lecturers : Faculty Member Figen Türk DÜDÜKCÜ
Assistants : None
Work Placement(s) : No
Recommended or Required Reading
Resources : Bickley, LS., Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking (Çev.Ed.) (2006), Halit Özsüt, Cüneyt Tetikkurt, Sezai Vatansever, Nobel tıp Kitapevleri, İstanbul
Semester : Aslan, FE.,(Ed.) (2014) sağlığın değerlendirilmesi, Acıbadem Üniversitesi Yayını, İstanbul
Course Category
Health 100%
In-Term Study Informations
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 3 30%
Assignment 1 5%
Practice 20 25%
Final examination 2 40%
Total 26 100%
Activity Informations
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 14 3 42
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28
Mid-terms 3 23 69
Practice 14 3 42
Laboratory 14 4 56
Final examination 2 15 30
Total Work Load ECTS: 9 267
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes
1 Gaining the ability to take a complete history
2 Gaining the ability to perform a complete physical assessment
3 Identifying universal, developmental, and health deviant self-care needs through physical assessment
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 Hemşirelikte problem çözme ve karar verme süreçleri
2 Hemşirelikte problem çözme ve karar verme süreçleri
3 Fiziksel değerlendirmede kullanılan teknikler
4 Hasta ile görüşme teknikleri ve subjektif veri toplama
5 Deri değerlendirme, uygulama ve klinik uygulama
6 Baş-boyun değerlendirme, uygulama ve klinik uygulama
7 Meme değerlendirme, uygulama ve klinik uygulama
8 Karın değerlendirme, uygulama ve klinik uygulama
9 Kardiyovasküler değerlendirme, uygulama ve klinik uygulama
10 Solunum değerlendirme, uygulama ve klinik uygulama
11 Nörolojik değerlendirme, uygulama ve klinik uygulama
12 Nörolojik değerlendirme, uygulama ve klinik uygulama
13 Kas iskelet değerlendirmesi
14 Kas iskelet değerlendirmesi, uygulama ve klinik uygulaması
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
All 54
C1 54
C2 54