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# Program Learning Outcomes
1 Has the practical knowledge and skills to apply in the direction of basic theoretical and practical information including current information in the field of Anesthesia Program.
2 Know what the duties, authorities and responsibilities of the anesthesia technician are, obey the related laws, regulations and regulations and adhere to the ethical values in the responsibility of team work.
3 Know the operating theater and anesthesia devices and equipment, and reach the competence to use the related devices and equipment. Describe the problems encountered in the field of anesthesia in the case of unexpected situations related to the information obtained in the field.
4 Has knowledge of Turkish language and ability to use language and can communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
5 Anesthesia plan is prepared according to preoperative, peroperative and postoperative needs in terms of anesthesia according to disease / patients and surgeon, and is applied together with Anesthesiology and Reanimation Specialist.
6 Has knowledge of foreign languages at a level that professional development can follow.
7 The concept of national and universal values is open to new knowledge and ideas connected with Ataturk's principles.
8 He has life-long learning consciousness.
9 Social responsibility contributes to the projects and activities for the social environment in which we live with consciousness.
10 He has knowledge about the basic structure and functioning of the human body. Describes systems and anatomical structures.
11 Has basic anesthetic pharmacology knowledge in basic pharmacology and field.
12 The basic scientific knowledge in the field of anesthesia program has the ability to reach, evaluate, apply, conduct research and report its results.
13 Uses registration, statistics, computer, information and communication technologies at the level required by the field.
14 An idea can be made about the impact of our society and the past institutions and understandings of man on our daily and university values.
15 Medical terminology belonging to the field of anesthesia program is expected to be a judge.
16 When practicing his profession, he communicates effectively with his colleagues, patients, patient relatives, physicians and other health workers.
17 Has basic and general knowledge about organ and system diseases.
18 Basic and advanced life support practices through emergency intervention intervene in the reanimation process and special situations that can develop and emergency approaches, providing safe patient transport.
19 Determine patient needs in reanimation, intensive care and pain units and apply necessary care and treatment according to order.
20 Can collaborate with other health disciplines.
21 Sepsis-antisepsis has basic knowledge about sterilization-disinfection, contamination and infection.
22 It recognizes the environmental and socio-economic factors that directly or indirectly affect health, as well as health care.