İşleminiz Devam Ediyor.
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Dear Students,

Due to the rapid increase in globalization and global competition, qualified employees and managers are in high demand by companies. Exports holds an important place in the development of national economies. Therefore, increasing exports in the countries is one of the key targets. The decisions and measures taken by countries to achieve these objectives constitute a foreign trade policy. A skilled and trained workforce is needed to successfully implement these policies.

In order to address this need, our program aims to train foreign trade specialists who are equipped with practical knowledge of foreign trade issues, have a good command of customs legislation, are solution-oriented, knowledgeable about the industry and are highly self-confident.

Our students can find both compulsory and voluntary internship opportunities, taking advantage of being interconnected with the Konya industry site. Likewise, our students have the opportunity to train and practice at the Foreign Trade Centre located at the KTO Technology and Education Campus.

Our graduates can work in institutions and organizations related to imports and exports as well as in private sector companies operating in the areas of transport, banking, logistics and customs operations. In addition, they can provide consultancy to companies on foreign trade, sit the Deputy Customs Consultant Examination conducted by the Ministry of Commerce and become an assistant customs consultant by obtaining a B license approved by the ministry. In addition, Exporters' Assemblies and international logistics companies are among the other areas where our graduates can work.

I wish all our students an educational quest full of success with the full conviction that they will make the best possible use of the opportunities they will happen upon.

Head of Foreign Trade Program
Assistant Professor Yasemin Savaş