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Course Information
Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS
2 99900013 Foreign Language (English) II 5+0+0 7 7
Course Details
Language : English
Level : Associate Degree
Department / Program : Civil Aviation Cabin Services
Mode of Delivery : Face to Face
Type : Compulsory
Objectives : The aim of this course is to enable students to develop their basic reading, writing, speaking and listening skills by providing exposure to English, a foreign language they will be intertwined with in their professional lives.
Content : It is a set of contents that aim to develop reading, listening, writing and speaking skills by choosing topics from life, mostly consisting of activities that are powered by partner work, and aiming to implicitly gain grammar.
Methods & Techniques :
Prerequisites and co-requisities : None
Course Coordinator : None
Name of Lecturers : Instructor Dr. Kadir Ünaloğlu
Assistants : None
Work Placement(s) : No
Recommended or Required Reading
Semester : Speakout Elementary 2nd Ed. - Pearson Publishing - Eales, F., Oakes, S.
Semester : Speakout Elementary 2nd Ed. - Pearson Publishing - Eales, F., Oakes, S.
Course Category
Social Sciences 100%
Activity Informations
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 13 5 65
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 13 5 65
Assignments 13 5 65
Mid-terms 1 4 4
Practice 3 3 9
Final examination 1 4 4
Total Work Load ECTS: 7 212
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes
1 The students know at least one foreign language at a level to be able to follow the basic information in their field and communicate with their professional environment.
2 Using at least one foreign language, students communicate effectively in the national and international domains, represent academically, and follow academic developments and publications.
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 Countable and uncountable nouns. A, an, some, any. How much//how many: quantifiers. Numbers and containers. Vocabulary about food, drink and containers. Vocabulary, listening and writing and speaking exercises.
2 Ordering in a restaurant. Polite intonation. Vocabulary about restaurant setting. Vocabulary, listening, reading, speaking and writing exercises.
3 Simple Past Tense: Was/Were. verbs ending with -ed. Dates and time phrases. Grammar, listening, reading and writing exercises.
4 Asking follow-up questions. Vocabulary about activities. Listening, writing, vocabulary and speaking activities.
5 Comparatives, superlatives. vocabulary: travel and places. Vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, writing and speaking exercises.
6 Giving directions, sentence stress: correcting. Places in a city. Vocabulary, listening, and speaking exercises.
7 Present Continous. Vocabulary: verbs+prepositions, appearance. Comparing present simple and present continuous. Reading, grammar, vocabulary, speaking and writing exercises.
8 Midterm exam
9 Recommending. Vocabulary: Types of Film. Vocabulary, Listening and speaking exercises
10 can/can't/have to/don't have to, a, an, the, no article. vocabulary: adjectives, transport articles. Vocabulary, Speaking, reading, grammar and listening exercises.
11 Apologising. Intonation in apologies. Vocabulary: excuses. Reading, listening and speaking exercises.
12 be going to, would like to, will and might. Vocabulary: plans, phrases with get. Listening, Reading, vocabulary, speaking, grammar, and writing exercises.
13 Making suggestions, intonation: sounding positive. Vocabulary: art and culture. Vocabulary, listening and speaking exercises.
14 Should, shouldn't, adverbs of manner. Present Perfect Tense. Speaking exercise.
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
All 5
C1 5