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Course Information
Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS
1 KURUL14 Cartilage, Bone and Connective Tissues 1+0+0 10 10
Course Details
Language : Turkish
Level : Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program : Faculty of Medicine
Mode of Delivery : Face to Face
Type : Compulsory
Objectives : In the course board;
• The names of all bones in the human body, their locations and anatomical structures on them, types and processes of ossification, bone types and the sections and formations of all bones in our body;
• Histologically epithelial, connective, cartilage and bone tissues;
• DNA structure and mutations, structure and anomalies of chromosomes;
• It is aimed to teach patient-physician relations with the course of medical practices.
Content : It consists of compulsory board courses (Anatomy, Medical Biochemistry, Histology and Embryology, Medical Genetics, Medical Practices, Evidence-Based Medicine, Medical Education and Informatics) and elective courses. Theoretical courses are fully attended in the classrooms of the semester; Applications are made in Anatomy Model Room and Basic Medical Sciences Laboratories.
Methods & Techniques :
Prerequisites and co-requisities : None
Course Coordinator : None
Name of Lecturers : Research Assist. Haticenur ŞEFLEK
Asist Prof. Gülben AKCAN
Prof. Dr. Taner ZİYLAN
Associate Prof.Dr. Füsun SUNAR
Associate Prof.Dr. Öznur KÖYLÜ
Asist Prof. Şerife ALPA
Specialist Dr. Derya Işıklar ÖZBERK
Prof. Dr. Hasan ACAR
Asist Prof. Levent SARIYILDIZ
Assistants : Asist Prof. Tuğçe DURAN
Work Placement(s) : No
Recommended or Required Reading
Resources : Genetik Kavramlar, W.S.Klug , M.R.Cumming, Palme Yayıncılık Tıbbi Biyoloji ve Genetik Prof.Dr H. Kasap, Prof Dr. M. Kasap.Nobel Tıp Kitabevi Tıbbi Genetik Prof.Dr.N. Başaran Nobel Tıp Kitabevi Tıbbi Biyoloji Prof.Dr.M. Çarin, Prof.Dr.F. Aydın Nobel Tıp Kitabevi Prof.Dr Ayşe Başaran, Pelikan yayıncılık
Anatomi. Prof. Dr. Kaplan ARINCI, Prof. Dr. Alaittin ELHAN. 2006. Güneş Kitabevi. Sobotta İnsan Anatomisi Atlası (3 Cilt Takım). J. Sobotta. 2015. Beta yayınları. (Çeviri editörü: Prof. Dr. Alaittin ELHAN).Netter İnsan Anatomisi Atlası. Frank H. Netter. 2015. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi. (Çeviri editörü: Prof. Dr. Meserret Cumhur). Anatomi atlası ve ders kitabı. Prof. Dr. Fahri DERE. 2010. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi.
Normal hücre ve doku yapılarını öğretmektir Canlının temel yapıtaşı olan hücrenin önemini kavrar İnsan vücudunu meydana getiren normal dokuların yapılarını öğrenir Dokuların birbirinden yapısal farklılıklarını ayırt eder Histolojik boyama teknikleri,Prof.Dr.Raamazan DEMİR, Palme yayıncılık Junqueiras basic histology text atlas, Anthony, Nobel tıp Ross M.: Histology: A Text and Atlas, Gartner L.P., Hiatt J.L.: Color Text Book of Histology. Second ed. SAUNDERS Histology: A Text and Atlas: With Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology, Michael H. Ross
Semester : Lecture notes of the lecturers responsible for the relevant board
Course Category
Health 100%
Activity Informations
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 6 19 114
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 1 22 22
Mid-terms 1 55 55
Laboratory 4 10 40
Final examination 1 70 70
Total Work Load ECTS: 10 301
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes
1 Hareket sisteminin bir parçası olan iskelet sistemini ve bu sistemi oluşturan bölümleri ve kemik sayılarını bilir. Hareket sisteminin yapısını, özelliklerini ve görevlerini bilir. Vücudumuzda yer alan tüm kemiklerin üzerinde bulunan oluşumları bilir ve gösterir.
2 Normal hücre ve doku yapılarını öğretmektir Canlının temel yapıtaşı olan hücrenin önemini kavrar İnsan vücudunu meydana getiren normal dokuların yapılarını öğrenir Dokuların birbirinden yapısal farklılıklarını ayırt eder
3 Mutasyonlar ,Rekombinat DNA Teknolojileri,Sitogenetik Analiz Popülasyon Genetiği,Genetik Anomaliler ve Risk Hesaplamaları
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 General Information About Bones
Upper Limb Bones (Scapula-Clavicula)
Upper Extremity Bones (Humerus-Radius-Ulna-Manus)
Basic Properties and Classification of Epithelial Tissues
Meiosis and mitosis and genome relationship
Chromosome packaging of DNA
Chromosome abnormalities and classification
Mechanisms of chromosomal abnormalities
Scientific Authorship
2 Columna Vertebralis
Thorax Bones
Lower Limb Bones
Covering and Secretory Epithelia
Connective tissues and intercellular substance
Medical importance of chromosomal abnormalities
Chromosome abnormalities detection (cytogenetic) methods
Appropriate Article Selection
History and Development of Evidence-Based Medicine
Introduction to Mineral Metabolism
Iron Metabolism
3 Lower Limb Bones
Neurocranium Bones
Submicroscopic (Molecular cytogenetic anomalies)
Recombinant DNA technology and its applications in medicine
Bone and Cartilage Tissues
Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism
4 Neurocranium Bones
Viscerocranium Bones
Individual medicine, genetic counseling and preventive medicine
Bone Tissue Biochemistry
5 Trace Elements
Viscerocranium Bones
Whole Skull Skeleton
6 Viscerocranium Bones
Recombinant DNA Technology and Transformation
7 Exam week
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
All 4
C1 5
C2 55